What is XELLO?
XELLO is a Career and College Readiness program. XELLO gives students the opportunity to take assessments, complete lessons and activities that match them to career and college opportunities. They can also read about different colleges to see their admission requirements, average SAT or ACT score, programs offered, and even take a virtual tour. Plus, students can research different careers to find out information like average salary, schooling options, employment requirements, and career descriptions down to daily tasks.
XELLO even offers built-in lessons to help students prepare for life after graduation. Another added bonus is that students can complete assignments within XELLO to aid students in their post-secondary options exploration to make sure we meet the needs of ALL of our students. Plus, students are able to log their extracurricular activities, community service and work experience so that when they complete college, scholarship, and job applications, they already have a place where everything they need is stored. Finally, XELLO is a place for our students to keep all of their post-secondary plans to help them achieve their goals.
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