Counseling Department Mission Statement

“The mission of CUSD 223 school counseling program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career and personal social development of all students. The district counselors will collaborate with faculty, parents and students to achieve: academic success, responsible behavior towards self and others, career development awareness with a global perspective. We will strive to prepare all students for current and future success.”
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact our Counseling Department by reaching out to one of the staff members listed below. You can click on the name of the staff member to be directed to their email.
College & Career Coordinator
Phone: 815-645-2230 ext. 5104
Counseling Administrative Secretary
Phone: 815-645-2230 ext. 5009
School Counselor
Phone: 815-645-2230 ext. 5007
School Counselor
Phone: 815-645-2230 ext. 5006
If you need transcripts sent or would like to schedule a college visit, you can fill out a form online and e-mail the information to the Counseling Administrative Secretary. You can find the forms under our Counseling Resources page.